Key Publications: Rheumatology
Key Publications: Rheumatology

BRITSpA Papers
BRITSpA Papers
BRITSpA are a group of professionals working in the UK with a commitment to advancing knowledge and treatment of Spondyloarthritis.
We have curated bespoke resources here from BRITSpA to help in the diagnosis of axial SpA.

Diagnostic Delay papers
Diagnostic Delay papers
The current average delay to diagnosis from when symptoms start is 8.5 years, by which irreversible damage to the spine may have occurred.
We have curated bespoke resources here showing research around the diagnostic delay, solutions to tackle it and resources to help in driving down delay.

Rheumatology supplement
Rheumatology supplement
The Rheumatology supplement is a key resource for proessionals working in rheumatology and where key articles, research and guidance is published.
Here we curate resources from the Rheumatology supplement that are aligned to the Gold Standard and diagnostic delay in axial SpA.

MRI and Imaging Papers
MRI and Imaging Papers
Appropriate imaging is critical in the diagnostic process for a rheumatologist. An MRI scan of the whole spine and sacroiliac joints is recommended to detect any early inflammatory changes. Here, it is critical to collaborate closely with musculoskeletal radiologists, to facilitate correct interpretation and earlier identification.
We have curated bespoke resources here from related to the use of MRI and imaging in the diagnosis of axial SpA.

Additional papers of interest
Additional papers of interest
We have curated other bespoke resources here showing research around the diagnostic delay, solutions to tackle it and resources to help in driving down delay.