Ipswich Rheumatology

Ipswich Rheumatology

Dr Gudu (Consultant), Sue (Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist), Cheryl (Clinical Data Manger), May (Biologics Nurse Specialist Nurse) and Dr Premraj (Specialist Registrar) from the Ipswich Hospital rheumatology team have been awarded Bronze for their work on reducing the delay to diagnosis through education, pathways and data collection.

  • The axial SpA service was established in November 2021. There are established connections with primary and secondary care, including an referral pathway for primary care where they have built links with the local GP physiotherapy providers so that they can refer directly to rheumatology.
  • They have created informal referral pathways with gastroenterology, ophthalmology and Dermatology. In addition, they have also set up a monthly meetings where patients can be referred directly to them following discussion.

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Symptoms starting slowly

Pain in the lower back

Improves with movement

Night time waking

Early onset (under 40)